Women Police Constable (WPC) – Sri Lanka Police 2017

Closing Date is Extended to – 2017-May-31

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Instructions to Candidates

Application forms duly perfected in accordance with the specimen form given below should be sent to Director/Recruitment, Recruiting Office, No. 375, 1st floor, Sri Sambuddathwa Jayanthi Mawatha, Colombo 06. the application should be sent by the Registered Post to the above address to reach on or before 02.05.2017 and the post applied for should be marked on the top left hand corner of the envelope enclosing the application. delayed applications will not be entertained and no applications will be issued by the Sri Lanka Police.

Director/Recruitment, Recruiting Office,
No. 375, 1st floor, Sri Sambuddathwa Jayanthi Mawatha,
Colombo 06.

Contact Numbers : 011-2421111

Source – Gazette – 2017.03.31 / Gazette – 2017.05.05

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